Wayne Peters

Wayne  has had a broad career spanning  private, public,  and voluntary sectors . He  has successfully  transitioned  over the three sectors  utilising his  experience  and adapting it to the different environments. His professional  career changed  direction   utilising  both his life and work experience to focus on  helping  people develop themselves and their careers.  Wayne successfully  provides clients  with a private and confidential  environment in which to evaluate themselves and their career.  His focus is on leadership and executive coaching  which complements his skills and broadens his successful Management Consultancy Company which has been established with his partner over the past 7 years


Able to build and sustain effective relationships across organisational boundaries, influence and deliver results at both individual and an organisational level.

Leadership Coaching skills  qualifications include

Advanced Certificate in Executive coaching and

ILM Level 7 Executive Coaching


Commercial sector………………………(Construction)
Public sector………………………………..(NHS)
Voluntary sector…………………………..(Samaritans)
Company director…………………….(Consultancy)
Deputy director……………………….(Samaritans)
Associate member……………………(ILM)
Associate member….…………..…..(CIOB)


Having  a creative  nature Wayne developed a career in construction and construction Management spanning several decades both as business owner and employee. Seven years ago it seemed a natural progression given his  experience to move into full time consultancy.  He has always enjoyed and celebrated the diversity of people finding  it rewarding helping people through challenges and change. He enjoyed  mentoring and coaching both individuals and teams throughout his  career, mainly within the company environment. His focus now is predominantly  in the area  of management and leadership coaching . His  passion for helping people also inspired him  to volunteer for the charity Samaritans and  additionally  focus on outreach activity for them  as a branch deputy director